This is Part Three of: 12 Steps and 12 Speakers in 6 Days, this episode is Steps 5 and 6.
This is from the 2012 Primetime Mens Retreat held in Joshua Tree California. During the retreat twelve speakers each take a step, the speaks are 20-30 min long and I have combined 2 steps into each day giving us a 6 day series.
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This is Part Two of: 12 Steps and 12 Speakers in 6 Days, this episode is Steps 3 and 4. NSFW The first speak ends a bit abruptly... fyiThis is from the 2012 Primetime Mens Retreat held in Joshua Tree California. During the retreat twelve speakers each take a step, the speaks are 20-30 min long and I have combined 2 steps into each day giving us a 6 day series.
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This is Part One of: 12 Steps and 12 Speakers in 6 Days, this episode is Steps 1 and 2.This is from the 2012 Primetime Mens Retreat held in Joshua Tree California. During the retreat twelve speakers each take a step, the speaks are 20-30 min long and I have combined 2 steps into each day giving us a 6 day series.
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Multiple speakers at the North American Indian Panel at the 43rd. Ontario Convention held in Oct. 1998 at Sault Ste Marie in Ontario Canada.
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Brenda F from Bowling Green FL. speaking at the 8th. Annual Spring Roundup held in Daytona Beach Florida in May of 1998.
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Chuck Z sober in 1953 speaking at an unknown meeting in 1984.
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Longtime Women in AA at Campbell River, BC in 2007.
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Tom I from Southern Pines NC telling his story at the 2011 Woodstock of AA South.
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Eric opens this meeting as the 15 min speaker at the Sunday Night Speakers in Seattle, he had about 4 years sober at the time of this speak from June of 2015. He is followed by the 45 min speaker Jenee, she got sober in the summer of 2008.
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I have one of these and it is one of my favorite items, a really excellent and useful for book study meetings or as a gift to a newcomer who is going to be heading to one.
The First 164 pages of The Big Book with lined blank pages opposite each page of text for note taking.
Paragraph numbers along side the text for easy reference. Entire Original Manuscript (about) including the stories. Easy to read retyped version. Includes paragraph numbers corresponding to the modern text for easy comparison.
Footnotes explaining historical and obscure references in the text.
Footnotes documenting all 79 differences between the modern text and the original 1st printing text of the 1st 164 pages (about). Yes, believe it or not, the basic text has been changed 79 times since it was first published.
Two place keeping ribbons. Special "lay flat" binding.