Geraldine opens this meeting as the 10 min speaker followed by Ashley telling her story at the North Oakland AA speaker meeting in Jan of 2016. NSFW
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Bill W. one of the founders of AA speaking (in 1966) on the topic of the Spiritual Experience -- A Matter of Grace.
This had a nasty bit of a hissing in the background but I was able to get the majority of it out, its quite listenable for an older recording, it ends abruptly during the Q&A.
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Alison A is telling her story at the AA International beginners group in 2010 in San Antonio TX.
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Ed M from Florida conducts a 2 part workshop on forgiveness in 2005 for an unknown group, he became sober in 1970. Part 1 of 2.
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Dick M, sober since 1965 leads this three part workshop on sponsorship. Part Three: How I Sponsor. This was recorded at an unknown time and event. There is some Q & A at the end and you cannot hear the questions but the answers make most of the questions evident. Part 3 of 3.
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Dick M, sober since 1965 leads this three part workshop on sponsorship. Part Two: How to be Sponsored. This was recorded at an unknown time and event. Part 2 of 3.
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Dick M, sober since 1965 leads this three part workshop on sponsorship. Part One: How to Choose a Sponsor. This was recorded at an unknown time and event. Part 1 of 3.
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Ed M from Florida conducts a 2 part workshop on forgiveness in 2005 for an unknown group, he became sober in 1970. Part 2 of 2.
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Sister Bea M from Brea, CA speaking at the Cornhusker Roundup in Omaha NE in Aug of 1990, she is a funny lady. This ends a little abruptly.
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I have one of these and it is one of my favorite items, a really excellent and useful for book study meetings or as a gift to a newcomer who is going to be heading to one.
The First 164 pages of The Big Book with lined blank pages opposite each page of text for note taking.
Paragraph numbers along side the text for easy reference. Entire Original Manuscript (about) including the stories. Easy to read retyped version. Includes paragraph numbers corresponding to the modern text for easy comparison.
Footnotes explaining historical and obscure references in the text.
Footnotes documenting all 79 differences between the modern text and the original 1st printing text of the 1st 164 pages (about). Yes, believe it or not, the basic text has been changed 79 times since it was first published.
Two place keeping ribbons. Special "lay flat" binding.