I noticed I had Steps 1-3 covered over the last 2 days and thought, though it wasnt a deliberate choice we are on a roll so I am going with it. Today's topic is Steps 4 and 5 presented by Don L at the Stateline retreat 2013. Don always delivers a solid message with a bit of humor.
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Deb H from Akron Ohio sharing on Steps 2 and 3 at the Broken Elevator meeting held December of 2021. Zoom
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If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Billy N got sober in 1990, he is sharing on the topic of Step One at the Stateline Conference held in Las Vegas Nevada in 2021.
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If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Ed M (sober in 1971) leads this workshop on the topic of Forgiveness, this is an unknown event. It is impossible to discuss forgiveness without discussing the things that need forgiving, so if you are someone that has difficulty with difficult subjects you might want to choose a different episode. NSFW
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If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
This one may not be for everyone just because of the sound, there is a bit of a hollow sound to it, along with a slight echo. I think its very listenable, it cleaned up pretty well for something recorded at founders day in Akron Ohio in 1965. We have Bruce M sharing about AA and some of his story, he got sober in 1945.
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If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Tuija from Australia sharing on the topic of Step One at the United Kingdom Open Lounge meeting recorded in January of 2021. Zoom
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If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Pete D "a fake tough guy" got sober in 2010, he is from San Diego and is speaking somewhere in San Diego California in February of 2018, he is an amusing guy with a solid message. NSFW
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If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Lyle P from Stockbridge Georgia tells his story at the 2014 Crested Butte Mountain Conference. He is a member of the Comanche Nation and his last drunk made national news for weeks on end.
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AA Event:
Nanaimo AA Rally: January 27-29 2023. Location: Nanaimo British Columbia Canada Eastern Details: https://www.nanaimoaarally.com
If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Alex S is from New York City and had been sober about 8 years when she led this speak on the topic of Steps 10 and 11 at The Broken Elevator meeting, recorded at the end of October 2021. Zoom
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event:
Nanaimo AA Rally: January 27-29 2023. Location: Nanaimo British Columbia Canada Eastern Details: https://www.nanaimoaarally.com
If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
I have one of these and it is one of my favorite items, a really excellent and useful for book study meetings or as a gift to a newcomer who is going to be heading to one.
The First 164 pages of The Big Book with lined blank pages opposite each page of text for note taking.
Paragraph numbers along side the text for easy reference. Entire Original Manuscript (about) including the stories. Easy to read retyped version. Includes paragraph numbers corresponding to the modern text for easy comparison.
Footnotes explaining historical and obscure references in the text.
Footnotes documenting all 79 differences between the modern text and the original 1st printing text of the 1st 164 pages (about). Yes, believe it or not, the basic text has been changed 79 times since it was first published.
Two place keeping ribbons. Special "lay flat" binding.