Transgender AA Meeting at the Living Sober roundup in 2017 at the Marines Memorial Hotel in San Francisco CA. This feels like it starts and ends in the middle of a sentence, but it is the entire meeting. (LGBTQ)
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Here is Vince Y from Pasadena, CA speaking in 1987 in Lubbock TX, at the Lubbock Conference. He is a guy with a quick wit and a good sense of humor. This is a decent recording for 1987, it had a hum and sounded pretty hollow but it cleaned up fairly well.
This speaker was a listener submission if you have a favorite speaker you would like to share with others please upload it here.
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Lois F. from New York speaking at the Southeastern Conference of the Georgia State Convention in Aug. of 1984, she has a great sense of humor.
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Sarah K. from Brainerd MN speaking on the topic of Unity at Speakerjam, March 2009 in Waverly MN.
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We have been featuring the steps as topics from different events over the last few days, we wrap it up with Tattoo Steven speaking on the topic of steps 10,11, and 12 at the Carry This Message Group in 2003.
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Chris S. speaking on the topic of Steps 6,7,8 and 9 at the 3rd Annual Keeping the Spirit Alive event in 2010
We have been featuring the steps as topics from different events, tomorrow we wrap up with steps 10,11 and 12 as presented by Tattoo Steven speaking at the Carry This Message Group in 2003.
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Sheldon F became sober in 1996 he is speaking at the Jersey Shore Roundup in Nov of 2013 on the topic of Steps 4 and 5.
Over the next few days we will have the rest of the steps as topics from different events, tomorrow steps 6,9,8 and 9 as presented at the 3rd Annual Keeping the Spirit Alive in 2010.
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Cody C was sober for 2 years at the time of this speak in 2010 at the 33rd Brazos Riverside Conference in Texas His topic is Steps 1-2-3.
Over the next few days we will have the rest of the steps as topics from different events, tomorrow steps 4 and 5 as presented at the Jersey Shore Roundup in Nov of 2013
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Bill W one of the co-founders of AA speaks about the Big Books history and creation. This consists of two seperate speaks, the first is at the 30th anniversary founders day in Akron.
The second speak may be from the same event but there is no way to know, the introduction of Bill the 2nd time does mention the 30th anniversary.
Repost from Oct of 2018, most of the recordings of Bill W are pretty bad quality and these 2 speaks are some of the clearest around.
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I have one of these and it is one of my favorite items, a really excellent and useful for book study meetings or as a gift to a newcomer who is going to be heading to one.
The First 164 pages of The Big Book with lined blank pages opposite each page of text for note taking.
Paragraph numbers along side the text for easy reference. Entire Original Manuscript (about) including the stories. Easy to read retyped version. Includes paragraph numbers corresponding to the modern text for easy comparison.
Footnotes explaining historical and obscure references in the text.
Footnotes documenting all 79 differences between the modern text and the original 1st printing text of the 1st 164 pages (about). Yes, believe it or not, the basic text has been changed 79 times since it was first published.
Two place keeping ribbons. Special "lay flat" binding.